We went to the Dr. the other week to check on Evan's skin. Since he is so fair skinned I think he may have skin issues for awhile. Just a little excema nothing too bad. Anyway, Evan got measured and weighed and I could have passed out! Evan is now.....15.7 lbs and 26.5 inches!!!! Since his 2 month check up he has gained almost 3 lbs and grown OVER 3 inches! We can not believe it. Our little boy who was in the 20th percentile when he was born is now in the 95th and higher! We are going to have a tall boy.
Sadly, Evan's hair is falling out. I am confident it will grow back red. We are seeing his new hair grow in and it is looking the same color.
As for milestones, there seem to be many. Evan can now sit up without support for a little while.
We put Evan in his exersauscer and he has started to use his hands to move different objects. He knows he has these hands but he is not quite sure how to use them. It is fun to watch but Evan gets frustrated when he can't get what he wants into his mouth.
We are pretty sure he has started teething. Evan likes to put anything and everything in his mouth, including Lady's nose. We have many teethers but Evan only likes one. It is a rubber giraffe that squeaks. Lady seems to think it can be her toy too :)
We are excited for Evan's first Thanksgiving. We are spending with some great friends and plenty of pictures will be taken. Can't believe that one year ago we found out we were pregnant with Evan!
Happy Holidays!