Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 2010

Well another busy month for Evan. 14 months, wow!

We have started up our Mommy and Me class again and now in the 1 year old class. This has been such a great resource for me and Evan. We love all the mom's and babies that we have known for over 6 months, but the instructor is great. We look forward to our Tuesday mornings.

Evan now has 7 teeth (that we can see) his top 2 molars and top front teeth have broken through and boy did we all hear about it.

This month he can now:
walk with a push toy
stand up holding onto something
says "nigh, nigh" for going to bed, yea or yes, hi, tries to say big bird sounds like bir, Elmo sounds a little like mo, Daddy, bye bye, baby
signs for shoes and when you ask him where shoes go he will show you his foot.
Evan now also knows touchdown but of course doesn't do it when the touchdown is actually scored.

Evan's new thing this past month has been shaking his head no for EVERYTHING! Anything you ask him he will shake his head no.

He also signs all done a lot more then when he actually means it. This makes some meals a little more challenging. But when Evan is hungry he signs for "eat".

Evan is so much fun, his personality comes out more and more each day. He is a ham and knows it. Loves making faces in the mirror and getting me, Isaac and anyone who looks at him to smile. He waves at anyone and anything. We were actually crossing the street to get into a store and a car stopped to let us cross. I am not sure if I raised my hand to say thank you but Evan waved and said hi. She was nice and waved back.

 Evan is starting to learn how to play pretend which is so much fun. He will pretend a puzzle piece is food and then hand it to whoever he is playing with to to the same. Evan also has a game where he will get his doll or lovey and put his head down like he is going to sleep so we say nigh nigh and he then sits up and smiles as we say good morning. This can go on for a long time.

Evan loves loves loves music and has shown us he can shake his grove thang. Anytime music is on or you start singing to him he will start bouncing and shaking his tush and smiling of course. It always makes us smile.

We are excited that fall is here and looking forward to the month ahead. We have Evan's Grandpa Stan coming to visit from Florida. And then his BeBe will be here for Halloween. Evan will have more attention then he will know what to do with.

Evan and Daddy playing in a big box, Isaac just looks a little cramped
Playing in the fort
Evan's new favorite place in the house, shoe bench
Evan coming to get me or probably the camera

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